About Us

Experienced Academic English Tutors

We are a group of highly qualified Academic English tutors who work at some of the top British universities (Exeter University, Cardiff University, Bristol University, Manchester University, Liverpool University, Leicester University, Warwick University and London School of English). 

We produce SIMPLE yet EFFECTIVE resources for students. All our courses are built around our successful teachers’ www.academic-englishuk.com website

Academic English courses

Who are our courses for? Mainly international students hoping to go to study at an English speaking university or students presently studying at an English speaking university wishing to improve their academic English. Our courses can be excellent preparation courses for university study or extra help and support while at an English speaking university.

What will I learn? We have put together complete courses on listening, (reading, writing, speaking, vocabulary and critical thinking skills to come). These courses will develop these skills so you will be able to use a range of strategies to cope with university lectures, seminars and course work.

How will I learn? The courses are mainly self-study lessons whereby you will be given a curriculum to follow. The lessons are divided into sections and each section builds on the skills of the previous section. All classes include downloadable materials that you can download and study away from the computer in your own time. Some lessons have a revision quiz that you must pass before you can go to the next section.

What will I achieve? The courses will improve your knowledge and understanding of key academic English strategies and skills but also improve your confidence and motivation in being able to integrate into university life and study effectively.

Who are we? The teachers who have created these lessons and courses are highly-qualified academic English tutors. We have all worked / work on a number of academic courses such as English for University Study, Foundation and Pre-sessional courses at some of the top universities in the UK (see below). All the course materials have been trialled and tested at under-graduate and post-graduate levels. 

The universities our tutors work at: 

Want more information? Have a question? Then use this form to contact us or contact us directly on academicenglishukcourses@gmail.com

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